the life and adventures of mr sloto

The Great Illusion

The homeless inventor now had two suitcases full of gold pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Every coin he would get while begging on the streets would be introduced in Mr. Sloto’s coin slot and it would come out as a golden coin.

Mr. Sloto kept trying to think how to escape but the inventor had him on a chain leash. One day, while Mr. Sloto kept pushing out golden coins, he noticed something was not feeling right inside.

“I’m not feeling very well, it’s like there is some chemical reaction happening in my insides.”

The inventor’s eyes opened wide and said: “It’s working; soon everything you touch will turn into pure gold!”

Mr. Sloto could not believe what he was hearing, but strangely enough, a few days later, he touched a table and it turned gilded. Then a chair, later a doorknob. Soon, everything around them was turning into gold.

“Hahaha I’m going to become the richest person in the world!” – shouted the inventor.

Mr. Sloto could not avoid touching more things and soon enough large parts of the CherryTown were turning gold. But something was not right, the news spoke of acts of unprecedented vandalism; they claimed someone had been spray painting the city with golden paint. “What is really happening?!” thought Mr. Sloto.

He studied the first thing that had turned into gold, the table. He scratched the surface and sure enough the wood beneath the paint was revealed. He wasn’t turning things to gold, simply covering them in paint. He looked at his finger and saw a tiny outlet. He touched an apple that was nearby while examining what was happening. “Aha – ionized electro-paint, that spreads quickly around the first object it touches” – thought Mr. Sloto. “This inventor must be delusional; he created a giant spray paint machine.”

That evening, when the inventor would unchain him from the personal leash onto a metal pole in his quarters, Mr. Sloto had an idea. He touched the inventor and saw the ionized electro-paint cover him in gilded color. The inventor screamed as Mr. Sloto ran away as fast as he could…

This is an interactive series. Players get to vote on that next chapter of the story!


1st option) Mr. Sloto roams the city to find Mrs. Sloto looking despondent, thinking Mr. Slot has been destroyed.

2nd option) Mr. Sloto runs to Victor Fluke, his inventor, to revert to his older normal self.  

3rd option) Mr. Sloto decides to use his special paint one last time before going to the police to explain the recent events. On the way to the police, he paints the city’s main fountain to gold.

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the life and adventures of mr sloto

The Gold Slot

Mr. Sloto’s eyes began to move. “Where am I” – he mumbled, unable to clearly see where he was.

“You are in my humble underground lab”, replied a man dressed in rags but with an air of worldly importance.

“I have repaired you and in that process, I’ve reinvented you. I modified your inner machinery and now you are the most special slot machine in the world!”

Mr. Sloto could not understand what this man was saying, so he asked: “Why am I so special now, I still feel the same.”

The inventor replied: “I’ve used some ancient knowledge now lost to humanity, the lost art of alchemy, to change your inner composition. Now, when you place a normal coin into your coin slot, it will undergo an alchemical process and you can spit it out as a coin made of pure gold!”

Mr. Sloto could not believe what he was hearing; he thought we must be dreaming or in a virtual world created by the MegaVirus he was supposed to defeat.

“Are you the MegaVirus?” Asked Mr. Sloto. “No, the MegaVirus is now gone, internet is back to normal. This is reality and you, my dear invention, are going to make me rich beyond imagination… hahahaha!”

The inventor placed a nickel coin into Mr. Sloto coin slot and pulled the lever on his side. Moments later a golden coin came out of Mr. Sloto’s jackpot dispenser.

“It works, it works, it works!” screamed the inventor in jubilation. “Now, let’s wait for dawn and we’ll wander the streets asking for small change… hahaha, small change for the poor…. Hahahaha!

Mr. Sloto immediately realized he was in the hands of an incredibly greedy person and began planning his way to escape.  

This is an interactive series. Players get to vote on that next chapter of the story!


1st option) Mr. Sloto and the inventor wander the streets while people hand pennies and other small change to them. The inventor converts all the money into gold, which he uses for building a rocket that will take him to Mars.  

2nd option) Mr. Sloto plays along like he will help the inventor amass his fortune, but before spitting out the next gold coin, he pretends to malfunction, only to spit the gold coin straight into the inventor’s eyes as he was checking his jackpot dispenser.  The inventor dies and Mr. Sloto is charged with murder.

3rd option) Mr. Sloto’s alchemical powers over time begin to get stronger and soon everything he lays a finger on turns into gold. CherryTown becomes the world’s first city made of pure gold!

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the life and adventures of mr sloto

Born again

Mrs. Sloto was in tears. She held Mr. Sloto in her arms; he was unresponsive and smelling of burnt circuitry. Mr. Sloto had faced the MegaVirus head to head and had succumbed to the power of the malignant virus. Mrs. Sloto didn’t know what to do; should she call an ambulance or a computer repair agent? She called the only person that came to mind: Victor Fluke – the creator of Mr. Sloto.

Mrs. Sloto dialed the number and asked for Victor. Victor answered the phone, “Hello? Who is this?”.

“This is Mrs. Sloto, I’m the spouse of Mr. Sloto, the lovable slot machine robot you created. Mr. Sloto is hurt, badly damaged.”

“Send me a location link and I’ll come right away” replied Victor. “Oh, but there is no internet” retorted Mrs. Sloto.

Mrs. Sloto could hear a sense of excitement in Victor’s voice when he replied: “It’s coming back, everybody is coming back online. The MegaVirus is gone!”

Mrs. Sloto could not believe it; Mr. Sloto had defeated the virus. She sent the link to Victor and waited outside by the curb. Mrs. Slot was low on energy, so she went on standby-mode to save on battery life. Without warning, a recycling truck was making its run through the neighborhood. The men picked Mr. Sloto, thinking it was a defunct slot machine.

When Victor arrived to the scene, Mrs. Sloto returned to normal power levels only to discover Mr. Sloto was no longer there! “We have to find him, Victor – he’s gone, he was just here, totally offline and powerless. Someone must have taken him while I was in standby-mode!”

That afternoon, the recycling truck piled all its electrical junk in a pile. A wandering homeless person set eyes on Mr. Sloto. What a curious machine, he thought. He put Mr. Sloto in the shopping cart he had with him. That night, he set to work, in his underground lab.

“This is my chance to prove them wrong” said the homeless man. “I’m no loser inventor; I’ll turn this machine into one of the greatest inventions of all time!”

After a long night of work he was at last done. He switched on Mr. Sloto’s power who slowly began to move…

This is an interactive series. Players get to vote on that next chapter of the story!


1st option) The homeless inventor turns Mr. Sloto into a lethal machine, designed to rob banks and vaults.

2nd option) The homeless inventor turns Mr. Sloto into a land-based counterfeit slot, so he could place him in casinos. Mr. Sloto would then exit the casino at night and bring back all the coins back to the inventor, so he can cash them in the next day.

3rd option) The homeless inventor turns Mr. Sloto into a modern-day Midas. Any metal coin that was put into Mr. Slot’s coin slot was spit out as a coin of pure gold!

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