All hands hoay! Mr. Sloto is ready to welcome you onboard his pirate ship filled with 350 free spins this October.

Use the ship’s Jacob’s ladder to claim a 100% 1st Match + 50 Pirate Spins in the hilarious Goldbeard slot. Continue your overseas winning adventure with a 150% 2nd Match + 100 Pirate Spins in the tenebrous Ghost Ship game. And become the ultimate landlubber when you amass a pirate fortune with a 200 Mermaid’s Pearls Free Spins reward!

A pack of 350 Free Spins is waiting to be discovered as you set sail aboard Mr. Sloto’s mid-October pirate ship!

100% 1st Match + 50 Pirate Spins
Redeem Code: PIRATESHIP-1
Free Spins Game: Goldbeard 

150% 2nd Match + 100 Pirate Spins
Redeem Code:  PIRATESHIP-2
Free Spins Game: Ghost Ship

Amass Pirate Fortune With:
200 Free Spins Reward!
Redeem Code: 200FREEPEARLS
Free Spins Game: Mermaid’s Pearls



Deposit bonuses require a $25 minimum deposit and they hold 30x roll over and no max cashout. 200 Free Spins coupon winnings hold $500 max cashout. Promo codes must be redeemed in order. Offers expire on November 15th.

Pirate Spins Pack

Pumpkins are a traditional part of autumn in North America and are regarded as a symbol for Thanksgiving meals in Canada and the US as well as used for decorations around Halloween. They have been around for thousands of years in our continent, and are one of its oldest domesticated plants. They can be cooked in pies, soups, made in tea, or carved to make jack-o’-lanterns! Here are some ideas of how to use them this fall:

  • Turn them in a board game! This is a great idea if you have kids: Use chalkboard paint and letter stickers through the whole pumpkin to turn it into a seasonal word search. Give them a piece of chalk and let them find all the hidden words around it!

  • Make Pumpkin Pie White Hot Chocolate: stir together 3 cups of milk, 1 cup pumpkin puree, and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. ginger, 1/8 tsp. cloves, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg and 1 tsp. vanilla in a medium saucepan. Remove from heat and add in 4 oz. white chocolate, chopped, then top with whipped cream in a mug.

  • Use it as a keg! Hollow pumpkins can be used to serve food or drink by scooping out all its innards and seeds and using a coring tool or knife to make a hole 2-3” above the bottom of the pumpkin. Insert a tap in the hole made and fill the pumpkin with your preferred drink like punch, beer or sangria!

  • Use as a Planter: Take a hollow pumpkin and fill it with dirt and fill it around one-third or half full. Choose your favorite plant, remove them from their nursery containers, set them on top of the soil and watch them grow!

Pumpkins are definitely one of the coolest and most recognized emblems of the Halloween season. How will you be using your pumpkins this year?

Weekends are for unwinding, letting stress go and, of course, hunting for hidden treasures! When you play at Sloto this October , all of your weekends will feature a very unique treasure hunt where massive prizes are guaranteed!

Get ready for October where every other weekend you’ll be invited to hunt for treasures in the reels of Plentiful Treasure and Halloween Treasure. An ancient Chinese themed slot and a trick or treat game will make your weekends extra rewarding and a whole lot of fun!

Friday, Saturday and all the way through Sunday will pack treasures that are waiting to be uncovered with a 777% Match plus 777 Free Spins!

Play until Sunday with a 77% Match + 77 Treasure Free Spins!

  • October 1st Weekend Game: Halloween Treasure
  • October 2nd Weekend Game:  Plentiful Treasure
  • October 3rd Weekend Game: Halloween Treasure
  • October 4th Weekend Game:  Plentiful Treasure

Offer requires a $30 min. deposit and it holds 30x roll over + 5x on spins winnings.

weekend treasure