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a lit light bulb indicating intelligence

Little Known Facts About IQ Tests

Based on the late 1800s research of Paul Broca and Sir Francis Galton, German psychologist William Stern came up with the idea of creating a test that could identify mental retardation in children. Over the years the tests have weathered much controversy but today people take both paid and free IQ tests to measure abstract reasoning, mental agility and ability.

Count Spectacular slot logo at SlotoCash online casino

Vampires and Slots Available at the Sloto Cash Casino Lobby

You can combine spooky stories about vampire skullduggery with online gaming fun when you play the interactive and entertaining Count Spectacular slot machine in the Sloto Cash casino lobby.

American flag

12 Weird Laws in America

If you’re surfing the net looking for some interesting tidbits, go no further than the subject of crazy laws. Many of these laws made sense when they were written but decades, sometimes centuries later, you might find yourself scratching your head in amazement that no one thought to take the laws off the books.