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People in airline cabin

Flight Attendants Share Airline Secrets

As part of our Sloto Life Style series, here are interesting facts to look for regarding air travel - something we are ready to get back to now that the skies are opening.

Cup of tea with milk on a white background

Tea as the 21st Century English Cool

For more than two centuries the United Kingdom has been one of the largest tea consuming nations in the world. The average Brit drinks 1.9 kilograms of tea every year and British residents consider tea to be an important feature of British society and culture and an important element of one’s British identity.

Witch’s hat

Witchy Wins Online Slot

Witches have played a prominent role in many societies for thousands of years. From the Biblical Book of Samuel in the Old Testament to talks by witches on today’s podcasts and appearances in popular movies and TV shows, witches have been objects of fascination in almost every society on earth.

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