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pocket watch next to a stack of old books

Even as the world makes its way through a historical era of earth-shattering proportions, scholars continue to make new discoveries about the history of past civilizations that changes our perceptions of the world’s history. Truths that many people grew up believing are absolute fact have been proven to be false as new facts and evidence come to light.

card table bets showing cards, chips and the player's hands

Poker is one of the casino’s most popular card game. It  combines elements of luck, skill and strategy. Regardless of the poker variation that you are playing the aim is always to build the highest-scoring hand.

purple duck in the middle of many yellow ducks

Amidst news  of upheavals in the world, third, fourth and fifth waves of the pandemic, attacks, bribery scandals, political coups and more came stories that were too funny to be believed. 2021 was full of such accounts. Some made international headlines but other stories were low-key and received little notice.