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laptop, tablet and smartphones connected in space with a man's hands around

Tips for Tech Users

It’s estimated that almost 60% of the global population uses the Internet with the majority of  users accessing the Internet through mobile devices. PCs and mobile devices aren’t made to last forever but if you take care of your device chances are that you’ll be able to keep it running for a longer period of time.

an array of different cryptocurrencies on a digital boards

Cryptocurrency Payment Options for Online Casino Real Money Gambling

A cryptocurrency (or cybercurrency) is a digital currency that can be used to make purchases of goods and services. The system uses an online ledger that’s protected with strong cryptography which secures online transactions.

a lit light bulb indicating intelligence

Little Known Facts About IQ Tests

Based on the late 1800s research of Paul Broca and Sir Francis Galton, German psychologist William Stern came up with the idea of creating a test that could identify mental retardation in children. Over the years the tests have weathered much controversy but today people take both paid and free IQ tests to measure abstract reasoning, mental agility and ability.

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