Current Winners


Roman god

Casino players who play online slots this June have a special bonus waiting for them as they play their favorite machines. The SlotoCash Casino invites all gamers to sign in and claim their June bonus for additional give-away prizes and rewards. The June bonus is named for the inspiration of June – Juno, a Roman goddess who was the protector and special counselor of the state. Juno was revered for her fierce determination in protecting her people and her efforts to bestow the best on them.

VPN shield

If you are playing at a cash casino, downloading gaming software or playing games on social media, you should consider getting a Virtual Private Network for an added layer of security.

Neural pathways of the brain shown like a computer motherboard

For many years, what we call “cognitive activities” were known as “hobbies” or “pastimes.” But today, neurologists and other behavioral therapists have proven conclusively that the relaxing diversions of years gone including sewing, model-building, painting/coloring and cash slots gaming actually function as important facilitators for our brains.

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