Sloto Lifestyle

Articles that lead to a positive outlook in life.

We’re happy that you reached our website. Here you will find a series of articles that promote well-being and a sustainable way of life. Explore our site so you find inspiration to make a positive change in your life. Our reading material includes travel and tips plus ways to contribute in the making of a better world.

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Sloto School of Greatness

Are you looking to impress with your holiday gifts? Be original and skip the clichés. The most meaningful gifts you can give are those that empower the receiver, either by promoting health or mental wellbeing. Here are some gift ideas that can inspire you to promote the wellness of your family and friends, while simultaneously creating a better world with happier, healthier people.

Detox Subscription

Looking for sustainable, toxic free personal care products? The Detox Market selects only the finest products made with pure ingredients and completely free of toxic materials. Buy a monthly subscription and impress your dear ones with the highest quality beauty products.

Rebuild the body

Ritual is a company that has designed the ultimate supplementary capsule with 9 essential nutrients every woman needs. They manufacture multi-vitamins that are non-GMO, Vegan and all ingredients traced to origin. From power shakes to postnatal vitamins, you can treat your loved ones to a future of good health.

Rebuild the brain

Neuroscientists have created drinks and capsules that are designed to improve your brain functionality; including memory, focus, clarity and energy. Gift a pack of their various drinks, created to help different areas of the brain. 

Fun workouts

Want to see your friends in good shape? Then give them a Stealth Core Trainer, a gaming trainer that has developed digital games that are played while you work out. Place your phone on the trainer and complete missions that simultaneously tune your body as you move in all sorts of fun positions!

Life Wheel

As featured on Sloto Magazine

We are probably the busiest generation ever to exist. Work and household chores can consume most of our day. Our online life also absorbs us, as we are answering emails, making appointments, shopping, reading about the news, connecting with friends and family, from dawn to dusk. With such busy lives, it can be very easy to neglect our bodies, minds and communal welfare.

That’s where the Life Wheel comes in. This is a tool developed to help people tune in to their most essential needs in a holistic way. The idea behind this is that you check on 8 essential areas of your life on a daily basis, to ensure that you are leading a balanced and harmonious life.

To apply this technique, take 10 minutes every day to rank between 1 and 10 the levels of each important area shown in the image above. If you are feeling absolutely healthy, then place a 10 in Health. If you are struggling to pay the bills at the end of the month, enter a 2 in Money.

This will help you get a ‘helicopter’ view of your life and identify the areas you need to strengthen or pay more attention to. Set goals in each area and slowly improve in the areas that need care and effort, in order to harmonize your life.

Can Stress Actually Be Good

We usually see stress as a negative sensation on our bodies as work deadlines pile up, conflict with friends and family appear or when trying to accommodate to busy schedules. That kind of meaning to the word stress is what wears us down both mentally and physically, but according to research there are actually two different types of stress with different implications to it:

-    Distress: This one refers to negative stress, such as having extreme anxiety that ends up with people having trouble sleeping, eating or concentrating. Long periods of distress due to biological or external events increases the likelihood of chronic disease.

-    Eustress: On the other hand, eustress refers to a kind of “positive stress” which can have some positive effects such as protecting us from aging and disease. This beneficial stress drives us to complete our daily tasks and life goals, and has a direct effect with our life satisfaction and well-being.

In small doses, stress can help us give meaning to our lives and keep us active. This helps us build confidence and skills that are important for our careers and how we build our relationship with people. A life without stress isn’t necessarily better, and healthy competition in life makes us feel proud of ourselves and helps us grow as human beings.

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